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Campus Resources

PILOT Program


Programs in Leadership and Organizational Training (PILOT) provides participants non-academic credit for leadership training.

Established in 1997, PILOT is the largest leadership program at UNC Charlotte with over 1000 student participants annually. Each semester, approximately 100 workshops are sponsored by Leadership & Community Engagement in collaboration with many campus departments. PILOT is great for students who don’t have the time for a group leadership experience though many students in PILOT are also in our other leadership programs.


Each time a student participant attends an approved activity and returns a Passport form, he/she will be issued one credit under a specified category in the PILOT program. In order to receive credit, all activities must be either a University sponsored event or approved by the PILOT advisor. Students may claim up to two credits following conference or retreat participation.

Academic courses are not part of the PILOT program.

PILOT participants obtain recognition through levels of distinction:

  • Green Level Leader
    • Members achieve green level by completing (3) skill building, (1) leadership/ethics, (1) leadership excellence, and (1) critical thinking, (2) career development
  • Gold Level Leader
    • Members achieve gold level by completing green level, (4) skill building, (2) leadership/ethics, (2) self-development/career development, (1) critical thinking
  • Community Engagement Leader
    • Members achieve Community Engagement path by completing green level and 8 community engagement events
      • Community Engagement events include those organized by SERVE team or other university-sanctioned community service/events

If a student completes the Green Level and one or more of the PILOT paths, then the student will receive a graduation cord. The student will only receive one graduation cord. 

It usually takes at least one semester to complete a certificate and all certificates must be completed by graduation.


How to join the PILOT program:

  1. Use your UNC Charlotte ID to log onto the Niner Engage website. 
  2. Find PILOT group and select the "Join" option.
  3. Fill out the Registration Form on the Welcome page.  You must fill out the form to get your credits.
  4. Print off a Passport from the “Documents” section or this hyperlink
  5. Check the calendar, and start attending workshops!  Take your Passport with you and get it signed.
  6. Turn in your Passport to Leadership and Community Engagement in Popp Martin Student Union 280 to get your credits!
  7. You will be able to view your completed credits on your Timesheet in the "Involvement Section" on Niner Engage. Find your credits by clicking on the "More" option and the "Involvement."  Credits are uploaded twice per week.

**Note: You must be a registered member of the PILOT Program via Niner Engage in order to attend workshops.**