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Campus Resources


Lead Team


The Leadership Education And Development Team(LEAD) is a group of student ambassadors who provide workshops for the PILOT program, and for classes, clubs, and student organizations on campus. Through participation in LEAD Team, students will develop skills necessary to develop an authentic leadership style in and out of the classroom.


The LEAD Team is a dynamic group of student ambassadors whose role on campus is to empower their fellow student leaders and organizations to develop themselves and their group through the facilitation of workshops and activities.

Through active involvement in LEAD team, students have the opportunity to cultivate the skills needed to nurture and showcase their authentic leadership abilities. Students will facilitate and become proficient in workshops centered around personal development, community engagement, leadership, and communication.


  • Facilitate workshops on leadership topics
  • Critique and evaluate campus speakers
  • Staff tables at promotional events
  • Provide supplemental trainings for new LEAD facilitators
  • Support office functions of Leadership & Community Engagement



Applications will open up on August 19th. Applications can be found here. After applying, candidates will be contacted for a 30 minute interviews to discuss their motivation to join LEAD team and other leadership experiences. After an interview, students will get selected to join and then go through training. 

Applications will close on September 20th 


Training to become a LEAD team member will require students to attend a 1 day retreat. The 2024 retreat will be on October 19th. After retreat, students must co-facilitate 1 workshop with senior LEAD team member. Once through a co-facilitation, students will have their first workshop shadowed by the recruitment and training coordinator. After this, training is complete.

If a student serves with LEAD Team as a full time member for at least three semester, they are entitled to payment of 100 dollars per semester. 


As a result of students participating in LEAD team students will…

Develop and strengthen their leadership skills through active participation in lead team

Be able to design and facilitate a workshop as a result of participating in LEAD team

Gain confidence and increase public speaking skills as a result of LEAD team 

Be able to recognize and describe their increased self-awareness as a result of LEAD team

Be equipped with the skills and confidence to lead in the workplace once they graduate LEAD team 

Create an increased sense of belonging and connection with the community at UNC Charlotte